Timber Engineering Calculator for Android Tablet
Summary:87 Calculators and Converters related to Timber and Civil Engineering. Available in both Metric and Imperial Units with Formulas. Automatic Calculations and Accurate Conversions.
Category:Education, Calculator
Requiements:Works with all Android Tablet
Overview Timber Engineering Calculator contains 87 Calculators and Converters, that can quickly and easily calculate and convert different Timber and Civil Engineering parameters. Automatic & Accurate Calculations and Conversions with every Unit and Value Changes. Available in Imperial and Metric Units. Most Comprehensive Timber Engineering Calculator.
 Available in Metric and Imperial Units
Timber Engineering Calculator contains following 55 Calculators: Area of Section (Rectangular and Square Beam)Moment of Inertia (Rectangular and Square Beam)Distance from Axis to Extremities of Section (Rectangular and Square Beam)Radius of Gyration (Rectangular and Square Beam)Section Modulus (Rectangular and Square Beam)
Maximum Fiber Stress (Rectangular Timber Beam)Maximum Fiber Stress using Section Modulus (Rectangular Timber Beam)Horizontal Shearing Stress (Rectangular Timber Beam)Horizontal Shearing Stress (Rectangular Timber Beam with a notch in the lower face at the end)Modified Total End Shear (Concentrated Loads)Modified Total End Shear (Uniform Loading)
Allowable Unit Stress on Timber Columns (Single Piece of Lumber/Group of Pieces glued together)Allowable Unit Stress on Timber Columns (Square/Rectangular Cross Section)Allowable Unit Stress on Timber Columns (Circular Cross Section)Allowable Unit Compressive Stress (Load is at an angle to the grain)Allowable Stress - Rectangular Section (National Design Specification)Allowable Compressive Stress inclined to grain (Hankinson's Equation)
Extreme-Fiber Bending - Adjusted Design ValueTension - Adjusted Design ValueShear - Adjusted Design ValueCompression perpendicular to the grain - Adjusted Design ValueCompression parallel to the grain - Adjusted Design ValueEnd grain in bearing parallel to the grain - Adjusted Design ValueModulus of Elasticity - Adjusted Design Value
Size FactorVolume Factor (Southern Pine)Volume Factor (Other Species)Radial Stress induced by a Bending MomentCurvature FactorBearing Area FactorSlenderness Ratio for Beams
Allowable Withdrawal Load (Nails and Spikes penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group I Wood (Nails and Spikes penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group II Wood (Nails and Spikes penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group III Wood (Nails and Spikes penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group IV Wood (Nails and Spikes penetration)
Allowable Withdrawal Load (Threaded portion of a Wood Screw penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group I Wood (Wood Screws penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group II Wood (Wood Screws penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group III Wood (Wood Screws penetration)Total Allowable Lateral Load - Group IV Wood (Wood Screws penetration)
Bolts - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingSplit-Ring and Shear-Plate Connectors - Adjusted Value for Loading Parallel to GrainSplit-Ring and Shear-Plate Connectors - Nominal Value for Loading Normal to GrainNails and Spikes - Adjusted Design Value for WithdrawalNails and Spikes - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingWood Screws - Adjusted Design Value for WithdrawalWood Screws - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingLag Screws - Adjusted Design Value for WithdrawalLag Screws - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingMetal Plate Connectors - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingDrift Bolts and Drift Pins - Adjusted Design Value for WithdrawalDrift Bolts and Drift Pins - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingSpike Grids - Adjusted Design Value for Lateral LoadingStress and Deflection Factor (Ponding) Timber Engineering Calculator contains following 32 Converters:
AccelerationAngleAreaDensityEnergy/WorkFlow Rate (Mass)Flow Rate (Volume)FluidForceFrequencyHardnessLengthMassMetric WeightMetrologyMoment of ForceMoment of InertiaPrefixesPressureRadiationSpecific Heat CapacitySpecific VolumeTemperatureThermal ConductivityThermal ExpansionTimeTorqueVelocityViscosity (Dynamic)Viscosity (Oil & Water)Viscosity (Kinematic)Volume Key Features:Complete coverage of calculators and converters in Timber and Civil Engineering Parameters.Automatic Calculation & Conversion of the Output with respect to changes in the Input/Options/Units.Formulas are provided for each calculator.Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.Extremely Accurate Calculations and Conversions.Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds up Data Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed. Most Comprehensive Timber Engineering Calculator