Loan eXpress + Free Desktop Companion
Summary:Comprehensive Loan Management Utility with Reports, Amortization Table, Due Updations, Reminders and many more. 5 type of Exports with Data Backup and Restore. Password Protected.
Platform:Pocket PC
Category:Finance, Personal Productivity
Requiements:Works with all Pocket PC Devices(Pocket PC 2000/2002/2003/2003 SE/Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 Devices), Windows 98 & above for Desktop Companion
Overview Loan Express is a Comprehensive Loan Management Utility for Pocket PC and Desktop PC. Loan Express tracks all the necessary details about loans including Calculations and Amortization Table. Four Splendid Searching techniques are provided to track the Due Dates. All the data in "Loan Express" can be moved to Desktop Companion and can be copied back to PDA by "Backup & Restore" option. This helps in restoring all the details even if the Pocket PC is hard reset.
Each and every loan detail can be transferred to five formats, i.e., HTML, Text, CSV, PDF and Excel Formats. Every loan detail can also be generated into a report to take print-outs. Loan Express is protected by 128-bit encrypted master password to ensure security. Reminders of Due dates are provided at the startup. A complete Loan Management utility for Pocket PC and Desktop PC User. Works with Pocket PC 2000/2002/2003/2003 SE/Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 View Desktop Companion ScreenShot
| Loan Express Any number of loan details can be added.Results are provided with accurate calculations.Options are provided for editing/deleting/viewing the loan details.All the details of a loan can be transferred to HTML/Text/CSV/PDF/Excel formats.Individual reports can be generated for each and every loan detail.4 splendid tracking methods are provided to search for the Loan Dues.Options are provided to update the loan dues for all the loans.
| Update Dues Loan Dues can be updated by this method for all the Loan Details. An Amortization table is generated according to the Loan Details. Amortization table contain all the necessary details about a loan including the Loan Due Date. The dues can be updated by simply checking or un-checking the box adjacent to the due dates. The update method can also be used to view the loan details.
| Search Dues Four Splendid Search options are provided to search for the loan dues. Loan Dues can be searched using following 4 ways:
Month Search - Finds Loan Dues in the Selected Month
Date Search - Finds Loan Dues in the Selected Date
Search between Months - Finds Loan Dues between the Selected Months
Search between Dates - Finds Loan Dues between the Selected Dates
The search result provides all the necessary details along with the Due Dates, which include the status of the due.
Report Generation, PDF & Excel Exports
Details can be generated in a report format to take print-outs. Reports can be generated for each and every loan details. The generated report will contain all the details about a loan including Amortization Table. The generated report can also be converted to PDF and EXCEL files. View Report Generation & Export ScreenShot
HTML/Word/CSV Exports
All the loan details can be exported individually or according to the tracking method to HTML/Word/CSV Formats using a simple browser.
Details are exported in a Sorted format.
Instant viewing of HTML/Word files after exporting.
Exported data can be backed up to the desktop.
Exported details can be stored anywhere in the Pocket PC.
Pleasant HTML Presentation.
Well-Structured Text File.
Perfectly Organized CSV Report. |
| 128-bit Encrypted Password Protection Loan Express is protected by a 128-bit encrypted Master Password. User can set their Master Password with Security Questions and Answers. Master Password prevents unauthorized use of your Secure details by others. It makes your details more secure.
| Reminder Details Reminder of the loan due date is provided at the startup according to reminder settings. The loan due dates will be reminded at the startup and during the usage of the software.
| Color Settings
Most Pulsating Color Setting option to have ever come out for Pocket PC.
Background and Foreground Colors can be changed for the following Pages.
- Loan List
- Amortization Table
- Updation List
- Search & Reminder List
| Data Backup and RestoreAll the "Loan Express" data can be backed up and restored.Easiest way to backup and restore.Backed-up data can be moved back to desktop and restored.Detailed Backup and Restore procedure are provided in the manual.
Key Feautures:
Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds up Data Entry and Easy Viewing.
Every data is stored in a sorted format.
4 Finest searching techniques to find the Loan Dues.
128-bit Encrypted Master Password to ensure security.
5 forms of Export options (HTML, Text, CSV, PDF, Excel) with Desktop Backup.
Report generation option to take print-outs.
Most Pleasing Color Settings option.
Novel way of browsing the options using a Pop-up Menu.
From now on, manage your loans professionally